Tuesday 24 January 2017


Battery Operated Smoke Alarms are the most common alarms found in residential homes. These alarms rely on a battery for power. The prices for these alarms can range from $1.00 to $100.00. 

Long Life Smoke Alarms with a 10-year, non replaceable lithium battery are available and easy to find. 

Hardwired with Battery Back Up Alarms are wired directly into your home's electrical system. The battery is a backup to ensure alarm works during power outages. 

Interconnected Hardwired Smoke Alarms with battery back up. These are the type of alarms that are required in all new homes. These alarms are wired together and when one alarm goes off all the alarms in the home will sound. 

Wireless Smoke Alarms with battery backup. These work like interconnected alarms and do not require wiring or an electrician to install. 

Voice Smoke Alarms have an alarm and a pre-recorded voice that may say, “Fire! Fire!” or similar message to alert occupants. There are studies showing that the traditional, high pitched siren of a standard smoke alarm cannot be heard by the hearing impaired and an alarm alone will may not awaken a child in deep sleep in time if at all. 

Vocal Smoke Alarms with an alarm and a recording device. The alarm allows you to record a personalized alarm message and provide personal escape instructions to your child, and have it replayed when the alarm sounds.

Vibrate or Shaker Smoke Alarms use a vibrating device to shake a bed or chair to awaken and alert a deep sleeper, a hearing impaired or deaf person. 

Strobe Alarms use an extra bright strobe light to alert a deep sleeper, the hearing impaired or deaf of a fire. Some strobe alarms also include a vibrator device. 

Dual Detectors come with the ability to alert occupants of smoke, Carbon Monoxide (CO), or hazardous gas. These detectors are cost efficient, but make sure you are aware of the recommended replacement life of the alarms/detectors. One draw back of dual detectors is that the Carbon Monoxide alarm generally needs to be replaced every 5 years (60 months) as well as natural and propane gas detectors.

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Source From www.excelsiorfire.org/

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